TouchDesigner Intermediate by Andrew Quinn
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Andrew Quinn

TouchDesigner Intermediate by Andrew Quinn

22 noviembre 2021 - 15:00
Las ventas en línea terminaron
Corso su TouchDesigner, Intermediate Level, 12 ore.

IN ENGLISH (but italian friendly....)

Detalles del Evento

Corso su TouchDesigner, Intermediate Level, 12 ore.

IN ENGLISH (but italian friendly....)

Giorno 1: TOPs - instancing and pointclouds,

Giorno 2: SOPs - procedural geometry, python, replicator, geo deformation on the GPU

Giorno 3: Particles: attractors, flocking, interactivity with leap motion, GPU particles

Giorno 4: Rendering and animation, VR, dmx+LEDs. Optimization, performance tips.

Giorno 5: workshop - share your projects and questions.

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