Piano Summer Salento 2024 – Zoran Imširović – Nardò
Chiostro dei Carmelitani
Nardò,Corso Vittorio Emanuele II
Piano Summer Salento


Zoran Imširović

Piano Summer Salento 2024 – Zoran Imširović – Nardò

12 Settembre 2024 - 21:00
Vendite Online Terminate
Serata di musica classica per pianoforte.
Il concerto comincia alle ore 21:00. Le porte aprono alle ore 20:30.
Evento open air. In caso di maltempo sarà sostituito più tardi (ulteriori informazioni sul sito del festival).
Le vendite online sono terminate ma continuano la sera del evento al botteghino.

Dettagli evento

DEBUSSY – Préludes livre 1
MOMPOU – Paisajes
DE FALLA – Fantasia Baetica
Zoran Imširović was born in 1979 in Yugoslavia. He finished his music education in Munich, his main professors having been distinguished pianists and pivotal musical impulses arose from the longtime work with Klaus Schilde and Eliso Virsaladze and from master classes with diverse prominent artists; Rudolf Kehrer, Michail Voskresensky, Amadeus Vebersinke, Georg Sava, Karl Betz, Naum Starkman, Konrad Richter and Menahem Pressler.
After completing his studies, he started an international concert career.
Among other awards and distinctions, he has won the Golden Lion of Veneto in Italy.
As an artist, Zoran in constant search for new ways to bring music closer to the audiences and for this reason he initiated in 2014 the PIANO SUMMER project. Zoran has participated in many international festivals.
